Chicano Poet

Monday, August 28, 2006

from Cats Me If You Can

Cat Scratch Fever

The cat went berserk and started
shooting up the family,
dad, mom, Little Jimmy,

Kimberly, the sexy teenage daughter.
Who the hell gave the cat an Uzi,
he’s shooting up the furniture,

the huge TV, the sofa, the Apple computer?
He works his way into the garage,
shoots up the family car,

shoots up the family’s useless junk
which is always stored in a corner.
Taking up room for what?

He shoots up the neighborhood. Heads downtown,
kills the mayor, the city council members,
who needs the imbeciles anyway?

He kills every dog in town,
even the caged ones in the dog pound.
You’d think the freaking cat was human!


At 8:52 PM, Blogger B Boutwell said...



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