Chicano Poet

Friday, October 13, 2006

Elegy for Love

What happened to the bells and whistles of our love,
what happened to the wild desires?
Now you call me sir and I call you ma’am.

What happened to take what you want, when you want,
what happened to the ripping off of clothes?
I sit on a bench at the mall waiting for you to shop.

What happened to the fire that used to rage,
what happened to the tender thunderstorms?
What were our pet names for each other?

What happened to the bells and whistles of our love,
what happened to the runaway locomotives of our lust?
Is that them, derailed and frozen in our Arctic hearts?

(The old lady don't know I blog
so shut your pie hole, ok?
I wouldn't want one of you bozos
to spill the beans!

crotchety old man found here


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Patry Francis said...


At 11:03 AM, Blogger RC said...

Thanks,Patry.And,by the way,I love your poem---Just Before Christmas,1968.


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