The Coelacanth
I am a coelacanth, I have always existed,
unlike you, unlike your chimp ancestors.
I have always roamed the sea,
deep, deep, for millions and millions of years.
I have seen you kill the whales,
I have seen you pollute the Seven Seas.
I have seen the seas attack your coasts,
I have seen the seas attack your cities.
I have seen the seas drown you before
and I will see them drown you again.
I am a coelacanth, I have always existed
and I will exist long after you have disappeared.
Thought to have become exinct 65 million years ago
the coelacanth still roams the seas as evidenced
by man's overfishing,and man having to resort to
dropping their nets in deeper and deeper water
to find fish.
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