Chicano Poet

Monday, January 03, 2011

Chuyito La Rata

allí por la calle Martín
Chuyito stole

an eight track player
from a car

the tape was of Steppenwolf
what kind of Mexican

listens to this cagada
on the Westside

said Chuyito to himself
he got rid of the player

the same way
he got rid of everything he stole

el Bigotón Perez
reminded Chuyito

of a big fat Cantinflas
a pinche Steppenwolf tape

Chuyito scratched his head
as he shoved the money in his pocket

RIP Anne Francis


At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Bernadette said...

Buenos dias, Reyes,
You were up early. Thanks for the new post. And I have enough material for essay on you based on DLB article and your blogs. I am going to get to read all of the poems in EP end of the week for I see that the UTEP library has them. But I would very much like to have you read the article and make any corrections. Are you up for that. If so, let me know where to e-mail it to you. I don't want to post it here. If you don't want to look at it, no problem. I will send it in as I correct it after I read the published-in-books poems. I like this one today. Happy new year.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger RC said...

Bernadette,if you would like to email me just click the view my profile on the right hand side of my blog. My email address is there.

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Bernadette said...

I can't get this to open. Will try later on my husband's computer. Or email me if you don't mind and I'll respond with text.
Thanks for your response.


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