Chicano Poet

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Henry’s Elegy For Mr. Potato Head

I cut off my ear for you my love
and painted this still-life of roses
with my warm blood.

The leaves are red, too,
much as I would like to be
I am not a Martian.

Yet, on a starry night if you look
in the right direction
you can see Marvin green,

but if you look at my ear
it is not a pretty sight,
it’s like a sunflower attacked by bees.

My brother Theo Bones comes by
and says what the hell
were you thinking Henry?

My head is throbbing,
my heart sobbing,
I think I’ll keep my other ear.


At 5:34 PM, Blogger Clear Creek Girl said...

Sorry to hear about your dearth of rainwater and wish there were some way to divert it from here to there. It's still dripping outside.
We had a couple extreme high tides the past couple mornings and got a wind & rain storm pushing in on top of it .... which kicked the high water mark up higher than a lot of people had ever seen. A lot of beachfront homes in Seattle shipped water.


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