Chicano Poet

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hombres Necios

Henry de la Plancha
tries to talk to
Sor Juana

about his needs
but she will
hear none of it.

Subscribing to
a higher calling
she will not

stoop low enough.
But, the valiant knight
is very persistent

and elicits the help
of Mr. Bones Panza,
his obedient servant

great grand-something
of Jaime de Angulo,
but not as talented.

"Lady, great Lady,
please accept my master’s pleas
and compliments

as he is heartsick
at your spurning,
his heart is burning…",

thus spoke Panza
from the gut of
intestinal fortitude.

Yet, all of it failed,
and Sor Juana remained a virgin
and unblemished by la Mancha.

Henry finally decided
to put his pants
back on---

a legendary case
of putting the cart
before the Rocinante.


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