Chicano Poet

Saturday, January 25, 2020

My new book Tierra Gringa will be out in the fall. 
It’s about how I as a Chicano have tried to be the 
best gringo ever.  Believe me, it’s not easy. But, I 
think I did a great job. Please buy my book. 
Pre-orders are now being taken.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

As I Lay Dying

Why does Dylan Thomas look at me
as I go gentle into that goodnight?

Why does Robert Lowell run out of juice
every manic Monday?

Why did Sylvia leave a note on the refrigerator,
“Too cold to die in here.”

Why did Allen Ginsberg come to Texas
and waste his New York minute?

Drunk as hell, Ann Sexton
died in a garage in Weston.